A Guide To Rural Snowmobile Safety

Snowmobiles are simple enough to operate, but they can cause significant injury when basic safety precautions are ignored. Because snowmobiling is a typically rural activity, usual dangers of traffic and even other people are not as common. But sometimes riders can take this for granted and ignore other more serious hazards while sledding. Be especially aware of the following dangers: Thin ice and bodies of water. Sledding on the ice is generally safe as long as the ice is thick and thoroughly frozen.

3 Of The Most Common Auto Problems That You Are Likely To Have This Summer

The summer months can mean extreme heat, which can also mean problems for your car. There are many common problems that drivers have to deal with every year when the temperatures start to rise. This can be things like viscosity breakdown, worn rubber and AC that has run out of coolant. If you want your car to be ready for the summer heat, here are some of the common summer auto problems that you may want to be on the lookout for:

Tips For Protecting Your Motorcycle During Winter Storage

The preparation for your motorcycle's winter storage is an important process that must be done correctly to prevent long-term damage. If you're just coming into your first winter as a motorcycle owner, you may not understand the fundamentals of getting your bike ready for its cold-weather storage period. Here are a few things that you should do before putting the bike away to ensure its proper condition when you're ready to ride again.